Thursday 3/13/14
For the gift of a small picnic, simple hamburger and fries sitting with nature, I am truly graced, thank you.
For the stranger looking for an area at the lake to walk her dog, telling her of my favorite trail. Then from a distance watching the dog run with joy, the smile on my face, I am graced, thank you.
For the simple childlike joy of watching the soap on the windshield dance as the car was being washed, I am abundant and graced, thank you.
For the sounds of birds, to see the dance of clouds, to see the day moon, I am truly graced with such gifts, thank you.
For memories that still touch my heart, I am graced, thank you.
For the joy of an unopened bloom with a heart shaped printed on its waiting petal, sweet mercy, such abundance, I am graced, thank you.
For this day, so many blessings and gift, I do thank you.
For this moment, to pause and give simple thanks, to acknowledge and see so so many gifts, thank you sweet life. Thank you for holding my hand.
Wednesday 3/12/14
For the gift of joy, simple and childlike, I am graced, thank you.
For the sight of birds hoping down the tree, limb by limb as if taking an elevator to the ground where the seed was waiting, I am graced, thank you.
For the snow that fell last night and gave drink to the earth, baths to the birds and the air, thank you sweet life.
For gentle music, a tender heart, I am graced, thank you.
For groundlessness and uncertainty, knowing this moment is abundant and contains the fullness of everything, I am graced thank you.
For the desire that these moments of gratitude become and will forever be much more than just words, I am graced thank you.
For a dream that emerged, a scared voice that spoke, a little heart that whispered to simply honor the path, I am humbled, graced, and in awe. Thank you.
For a bed that is calling a weary but grateful body to sleep, thank you sweet life. I do love you.
Tuesday 3/11/14
For the gift of today and the snow falling and giving drink to the earth, I thank you.
For the body which speaks of its needs, be it the voice of pain, joy, rest, and even uncertainty, I am graced, thank you.
For the gift of sitting and knowing all is well, I am graced, thank you.
For the vision of seeing snow swirling like little snowclones I am graced and smiling, thank you.
For the vision of trees dancing in the wind, bending, straining and yet still so present, I am graced, thank you.
For abundance to feed the birds and squirrels I am graced thank you.
For the gift of watching the wind today, to feel and hear its strength, to watch the dust hide the mountains, to usher in clouds that have brought snow and moisture, to see the wind given form I am graced, thank you.
For the warmth of this house, the abundance to be sheltered,may I never take such gifts for granted, I am graced, thank you.
For the soft joy of a dog's eyes looking at me ready to play, I am graced, thank you.
For my simple heart, my simple trust, the gift of simple joy, I am graced, thank you.
Namaste sweet life, I do love you.
Sunday 3/9/14
For the gift of a mobile body to work in the house, to honor the house, I am graced, thank you.
For the precious feathers and other gifts offered to me, I am graced, thank you.
For the memories touched and received as my hands touched and cleaned, I am graced, thank you.
For the cherished gift that cleaning transformed into healing and gratitude, I am graced, thank you.
For the moon's grace at midday, I am graced, thank you.
For the sun's warmth, and the sounds of birds, I am graced with such music, thank you.
For a weary body I am graced, thank you.
For my little heart which never gives up, thank you.
Namaste sweet life, I do love you.
Saturday 3/8/14
For the gift of snow and the drink given to the earth, I thank you.
For the gift of feeling the earth sigh, the bird's fluttering in the pools or precious water, and the pools of melted snow gathered around the roots of trees, I thank you.
For the young pigeon that sat on the windowsill for over an hour, the gift of admiring his beauty, stillness, and being, I am graced, thank you.
For the whisper to look and see a new bud on one plant and another plant's flowering bud about to open, I am graced, thank you.
For the stillness and gentle peace within my heart the snow, birds, the pigeon and life unfolding, I am graced, thank you.
For the whisper to look around the side of the house tonight and see the moon smiling, I am graced, thank you.
For the kind words of a stranger saying thanks, I am graced, thank you.
For the gift of this path, and the teachers of sorrow and joy, pain and love, fear and courage, groundlessness and grounding, I am graced for these and all others, thank you.
Thursday 3/6/14
For the gift of waking up and knowing all is well, I am graced, thank you.
For the gift of seeing delight in my little dog's eyes as we go to walk, I am graced, thank you.
For the gift of sitting and hearing the wind, feeling the earth, and seeing the mountains and lake, I am graced, thank you.
For the gift of knowing where I am, this house and city may have come out of pain but pain has been growth, I am graced, thank you.
For the gift of remembering those who are gone but their touches of love remain, I am graced, thank you.
For the gift of standing in the doorway of what could be, I am graced, thank you.
For the gift of seeing in the moon in the day sky, I am graced, thank you.
For this day, this night, the shelter of this home, and the bed that awaits, I am graced, thank you.
For my little heart that still believes, I am graced, thank you.
Good night sweet life, I do love you.
Wednesday 3/514
For the gift to see snow on the earth and the droplets of water dancing in the sun, I am graced, thank you.
For the gift to see a lake pooled inside a water droplet, I am graced, thank you.
For the gift to feel the air washed, fresh, vibrant and clear, I am graced thank you.
For the gift of walking in the brisk clean air, to feel the joy in the trees and upon the earth, I am graced, thank you.
For the gift of geese in flight, a coyote loping through the prairie grass, the sound of wind in the trees, I am graced, thank you.
For the gift of memories that flood sometimes and yet to know all is well, I am graced, thank you.
For the gift of this day, abundant in its blessings, I am truly truly graced, thank you sweet life. I do love you.
Tuesday 3/4/14
For the gift to see the morning sky change colors, I am graced, thank you.
For the gift of birds, squirrels, and the mountains, I am graced, thank you.
For the gift of a shower, water, warmth, and the ability to move and life, I am graced thank you.
For a simple day of appreciation, reflection, and memory, I am graced thank you.
For the gift of knowing I have been loved and my heart still loves, I am graced, thank you.
For this day and its wonder, I am abundant. Thank you.
Tuesday 2/25/14
For the grace at sunrise to watch the swaying limbs of a tree look like it was painting the sky, I am blessed, thank you.
For the grace to see the beauty of wind even as it carried dust so thick the mountains were hidden, I am blessed, thank you.
For the sweetness of a flowers petals turned towards the sun, I am blessed, thank you.
For the courage of the human heart grieved and uncertain, I am blessed, thank you.
For the gift of hope and my little heart that forever is reaching out, I am blessed, thank you.
For the presence of a little dog welcoming me home with joy and love, I am truly blessed, thank you.
For this day, this night, this gift of life, I am graced and humbled, thank you.
Saturday 2/22/14
For the grace to see simple things and know their joy, the steam rising from a cup of coffee and the tickle on my face,the light streaming through the window, the soap bubbles and their tiny prisms of colors, so many I know I miss but for those and these I am abundantly graced, thank you.
For memories and how they touch me, like a breeze upon my face, I am graced, thank you.
For the walk and the hill I must walk up, the hard beating of my heart and then to see the sun holding fast at the tip of the mountain, as if waiting for me to say good night, I am graced, thank you.
For the grace sometimes to wonder if my little words, whispers do in fact have a voice, and then to let the thought go, simply to honor my heart. Thank you.
For the food, drink, shower, clean clothes, and peace in my community when so many lives are in turmoil and lack, may I never take these gifts for granted, and may my vow to serve never diminish, I am graced thank you.
For this day, my little heart, these little words, I am abundantly graced, thank you.
Friday 2/21/14
For the grace of my heart that speaks when words simply can't. I am graced, thank you.
For the gentleness of stillness and its fullness, I am graced, thank you.
For trusting the path, even though uncertain and often scary, I am graced, thank you.
For the knowing that certainty is neither a requirement nor possible, I am graced, thank you.
For this day, the birds, the sun, a shower, food, water, and life's many many abundant gifts, and simple joys, I am graced, thank you.
Thursday 2/20/14
For the grace of the wind in the trees, to feel not buffeting upon my body but the tug of playfulness and the moment, I am blessed, thank you.
For the simple wonder of each breath, to think of breathing with the earth, trees, and all of life, even that which is no longer physically here, I am blessed, thank you.
For the grace of the bed that awaits, the sleep to fold today into tomorrow, I am graced, thank you.
For the simple wonder of my heart....thank you.
Monday 2/17/14
For the grace to hear the silence of nature, I am blessed, thank you.
For the grace to see the first bud upon a tree, I am blessed, thank you.
For the grace to be able to walk, to hear the sounds and stillness of nature, so many senses you have gifted, I am blessed, thank you.
For the grace to share with others, I am infinitely blessed, thank you.
For the safe travels of all on journeys, I thank you.
For this day, the grace to be alive, I thank you.
Friday 2/14/14
For the grace of the moon and the dance of cloud veils, I am most humbled and grace, thank you.
For the grace to watch the birds watching me as I put out their seed, to hear their songs and the sole raven's call to all others, thank you.
For the soft reminder that though this truly is a day to celebrate those we love, may it be not one day to remember, but simply another day of love outpouring. Thank you.
For the gift of sitting at the restaurant counter and hearing the waitresses gush over the simple carnations the busboy/dish washer had gifted them. Such simple gifts so priceless and humbling for me to observe. Thank you, I am graced.
For the gentleness of this day and even its uncertainty, I am graced, thank you.
For the memory of my parents' love, and loves I have known, I am graced, thank you.
Thursday 2/13/14
For the grace of clouds dancing in the sky, I thank you.
For the image of a steel curtain of mountains draped with gentle folds I am graced, thank you.
For the sunset and moon rise that surely created the first heart beat of all artists, I am graced, thank you.
For the kindness of strangers I am graced, thank you.
For this day, its abundance and life, I am more than graced, thank you.
For my little heart and spirit, that I am still graced to awaken to a new day, I can say thank you but pray you know it is so so much more.
Sunday 2/2/14
For the grace of safe travels, I thank you.
For the embrace of home gifted by the mountains, the trees and the sound of my feet walking, I am graced, thank you.
For the beauty of the elk that greeted me on my walk, I am truly graced, thank you.
For my heart, my passion, and courage when I think I have none, I am graced, thank you.
For the joy of chatting with the shuttle driver, the desk clerk and waitresses, to see another and know no stranger, I am graced thank you.
For this day, for this house, for the bed and moon gifting my night's sleep, I thank you.
Saturday 2/1/14
For the grace of this day, a celebration of 240 seasons, 60 years to walk this earth, I am graced, thank you.
For the candles of light and stillness standing in the night I am graced thank you.
For the grace, tomorrow, to finally find my way home, I am graced thank you.
For the safety and shelter this night offers I am graced, thank you.
And to you mama and daddy, know you are missed....happy birthday to you. I am graced, thank you both
Tuesday 1/28/14
For the grace to see the fog's blanket creating a shroud on the high rise buildings, reminding me of my precious mountains, I am graced thank you.
For the grace to see the drop of water clinging to a blade of grass, I am graced, thank you.
For the grace to sit in silence and watch the storm clouds move so slowly their dance almost undetected, I am graced.
For the waitress who remembered me from last year, and even offered a free dessert, I am graced. But the grace bestowed even more to see her face light up when I said her presence was far greater than the delight any dessert could offer. Thank you.
For the morning, the day, and now the night that has folded around me, I am graced, thank you.
For the moon now shrouded in the clouds, fog and drizzle, to know her smile, her touch, I am graced, thank you.
For this day, my heart, the gift of life, I am graced, thank you.
Monday 1/27/14
For the grace to stand on the cusp of a dream and see the door open and welcome, I am graced.
For the grace to see the cusp of a dream and realize what went before and what will follow is embodied in but one moment - Now. To remain in this one moment, I am graced, thank you.
A day of coming home, and as it is said, realizing I never left. Thank you.
Wednesday 1/22/14
For the grace to make another laugh, I am graced, thank you.
For the grace to say in love "I need" when another's need is different and know peace, I am graced, thank you.
For the bird that sat on the windowsill as if to say "that's where you live?" And then to peck on the window when I laughed back, "I live in you" I am graced, thank you.
For the sweet joy of being afraid, I am graced, thank you.
For this moment, knowing it truly is all that is, I am graced, thank you.
For the love of a little dog and the stars and moon that whisper g'night, I am graced, thank you.
And for my precious heart, sometimes like a little child, I am abundantly graced, thank you.
Tuesday 1/21/14
For the grace to visit with a young man who came to make a repair. To greet with welcome, experience his passion for his work, and see fire in his eyes, I am graced, thank you.
For the conveniences so often taken for granted, thank you for the reminder of such abundance, I am graced, thank you.
For reflections that always draw me back to this moment, this present moment, as all there is, I am graced, thank you.
For the laughter to see a squirrel work to figure out a bird feeder, such simple joy but a gift of abundance to see, thank you.
For the grace of life, a heart with courage, and even in disbelief and doubt to know I do believe and have faith, I am graced, thank you.
For the grace to simply say thank you Life. I do love you. Namaste sweet life. Thank you.
Saturday 1/18/14
For the grace to walk nature's trail and hear the song of wind and trees, I am ever so graced, thank you.
For the texture of trees, the dance of light, and the openness of the sky and mountains, I am ever so graced, thank you.
For the stilled silence of knowing pain yet knowing that this too will pass, all is well, I am graced, thank you.
For the gift of laughter at myself, the laughter of a dog on a walk, to know life's embrace, I am graced thank you.
For the gift of life, though I cannot comprehend, and fear I take for granted, for the little bit I can hold in awareness, I am graced, thank you.
For the gift of the moon that whispers good night and a bed that calls me to sleep, abundance, sweet mercy truly abundance, I am graced, thank you.
Thursday 1/16/14
For the grace of seeing the single raven call out like a drum beat to let the others know seed was being poured on the ground, and then to watch them come, I am ever so graced, thank you.
For the eyes of my sweet companion reminding me of how important and gifted it is to have eyes of gentleness, acceptance and play, I am ever so graced, thank you.
For the gift of a shower, clean water on demand, sweet mercy, I am graced, thank you.
For the gift of the young man who offered to get a cart to carry the bird seed and then to take it to my car, I am ever so graced, thank you.
For the gift of my bed that is calling me to sleep, a warm house and shelter, oh sweet mercy, such abundance, I am graced, thank you.
For the whisper to look around and leave my thanks here, knowing all the gifts that go unwritten, I am graced, thank you.
For a heart that still loves even though so afraid, I am graced, thank you.
Sunday 1/5/14
For the grace of laughter and joy to place a seashell in the snow, I am ever so graced, thank you.
For the small bird that landed on the windowsill to let me know the seed was covered in snow, such simple laughter, I am graced, thank you.
For a body that can shovel snow and a warm coat and gloves, may I never be so unmindful to not give thanks, I am graced, thank you.
For the wonder and awe of a deep blue sunny sky that tells me warmth yet the air so cold, such marvels and mystery, so like the equanimity of life, I am graced, thank you.
For this day, a gifted day alive, I am graced, thank you.
Saturday 1/4/14
For the grace of waking up each day, to see the miracle and rejoice, I thank you.
For the laughter and excitement in my little dog's eyes as we play, such simple joy and unconditional love, I am graced, thank you.
For the grace of tears I thank you.
For the snow that has fallen upon the drought hardened and thirsty earth, sparkling like precious diamonds, I am graced, thank you.
For the simple warmth of holding a cup of hot chocolate and feeling like a child, I am graced, thank you.
For the simple belief in my heart that all is well, I am graced, thank you.
For the joy of standing in the cold, looking up at the moon hidden in clouds and snow, and to whisper g'night moon, sweet mercy, I am graced, thank you.
Friday 1/3/14
For the grace of music.. I just assume it is always there or even forget to accept and listen to the gift. I am graced.
For dance of the clouds and eyes to see, I am graced, thank you.
For the awareness that even answered prayers and dreams come true carry "to do" and action on my part, all is a path. I am graced, thank you.
For the stillness of sitting when I feel overwhelmed, I am graced, thank you.
For the infinite grace of knowing all is well, I am graced, thank you.
For this day, itself a blessing, I am graced, thank you.
Thursday 1/2/14
For the grace of a sleepless night last night and the quiet meditation of all working, grieving, loving, and waiting I am graced.
For the call of a Raven sitting alone in a tree, reminding me I was late with the seed, I am ever so graced.
For the abundance of clean water, a warm house and food, to open my heart and ponder those without, vowing in my bow to do what I can, I am graced.
For the simple laughter when something is dropped, I am graced.
For the presence of life, the sun's rainbow'd prisims on the walls and floor I am graced.
For the kindness of store employees to cheerfully carry the bags of seed to my car, their smiles and well wishes, I am graced.
For the abundance to be grateful, I am graced.
To say g'night to the moon and stars, to say 'I love you' to Life, I am graced.
Tuesday 12/31/13
For the grace of hearing the sound of wings in flight as migrating geese flew overhead, I am graced. May my own path sound so sweet to others.
For the grace of watching a flock of geese land and take deep drinks and then to simply float and rest, I am graced. May my own path know such stillness and quenching.
For the touch of sun, breeze, the bark of trees, and to pause so that not even my footsteps disturb the silence of nature, I am graced. May my presence gift the same to all others.
For lessons learned this year and lessons yet to come, I am graced.
Thank you sweet life, I do love you.
Sunday 12/29/13
For the grace of the rising sun and moon and the rhythm of the sacred hours, I am graced.
For the grace of gratitude that opens my eyes to such wonders, thank you.
For the pause to actually taste and know the delight of a sweet treat, feeling the sweetness tickle and make me laugh, I am graced.
For the dance of footprints of birds and squirrels upon the dusting of snow, I am graced.
For the feel of the bucket's weight, filled with seed, and the sound of seed dancing to the ground, I am graced.
For the laughter of children riding a new bike, I am graced.
For the bed that awaits, the sleep that calls, the warmth of this house, I am graced.
Friday 12/27/13
For the grace to watch the geese migrate and to know all journeys begin, end, and begin again, I am graced.
For the grace to shower and not even a thought that water would be there. To think I can stand, feel, taste, and be cleansed, I am graced.
For the grace to stand and see the stars and know even beyond them Love and Life dances, I am graced.
For the simple joy of a cup of coffee and to think of all the lives that brought that cup to me, I am graced.
For the sweet angel in the store who saw me struggle to reach an item and with a soft beautiful laugh brought the item to me. A stranger and yet not, she resides now in my heart and I am graced.
For simple words reaching through silence, I am graced.
To say good night to the moon, I am graced.
Wednesday 12/25/13
A day when many gather to exchange gifts of the heart and sweet communion. I pause this day, and simultaneously resume a practice of ending the day with gratitude. A simple feather of gratitude left for the moon to hold.
Thank you for the image gifted of an elderly father walking with his adult daughter around the lake with four joyous dogs. The father's arm swinging this way and that way pointing out the sights for his daughter to see. I am graced.
Thank you for the two geese resting on the ice, one leg tucked into their warm feathered breasts and the other still and strong. An image of peaceful strength. I am graced.
Thank you for the gentle sounds of the river and the rock warmed by the sun that offered itself a most comfortable sit. The sounds of the river running over rocks and under melting ice that danced with the breeze and caressed my heart and mind.
Thank you for the ability to walk, to hold the leash of my little four legged angel, to drive, to even have a car, to see nature and these images and even the ability to speak and whisper 'thank you.' Thank you for the presence of such wondrous nature so near and welcoming. I am graced.
Thank you for this day's end. For the sadness that arose and sometimes the silence that is too much. Like the river rolling over the rocks and snow, there would be no sound of the river without them both. I am graced.
Good night sweet moon, I leave my feather and promise to return tomorrow. Thank you for the reminder. I am graced.
Tuesday 10/16/12
For the grace to see a butterfly dance between the flowers, and to think how grand to be so abundant that everyone is a flower to which I dance bestowing the pollen of Love and compassion, thank you.
For the sound of the wind in the trees, thank you.
For gift of compassion you have placed in my heart, thank you.
For remembrance, thank you.
For the day sweet Life, another day you have graced and gifted me, thank you.
Monday 10/15/12
For the gift of grace to come and leave my thanks, I thank you
For the mother and father laughing out loud as they ran with their small son, sweet mercy thank you.
For the red Koi that whispered and stayed close to the bank so I could sit for a moment and watch, thank you.
For the leaf that fell and touched my cheek, thank you.
For the day, uncertain and certain, another day to breathe, I thank you.
Sunday 10/14/12
For the walk with the trees off the normal path, thank you.
For the timid courage to write, to try to express, the hurt, but I try, thank you.
For the grace of having shelter, a bed, clothes and bath, thank you.
For the simple grace and gift of being alive still, thank you.
for the day, uncertain and certain, another day to breathe, I thank you.
Saturday 10/13/12
For those who serve and give of their hearts for the wounded hearts, thank you.
For the delight of watching children and adult children squeal and laugh at carved pumpkins, thank you.
For the kindness of presence, of not being turned away, thank you.
For the morning walk with my little companion, to see the snow on the mountains and the clouds resting like a shawl, thank you.
For the day, uncertain and certain, another day to breathe, I thank you.
Friday 10/12/12
For belief...I thank you Sweet Hands of Life.
For the elderly man who laughed, and made me laugh, trying to get the bag of bird seed out of the cart, such a gift, thank you.
For the migrating birds and the squirrel who lets me get so close I can almost touch, thank you.
For the day, uncertain and certain, each precious breath, and my little heart, thank you.
Thursday 10/11/12
For the image of stillness, and calling as both strength and quietness, thank you.
For the whispers, trying to see, understand, and open my heart, even the feeling that my efforts, so gentle and sincere, make me fearful to share,thank you.
For trying, for opening my heart, for feeling fear and vulnerability, thank you.
For the day, and each precious breath, my little heart that tries, thank you.
Wednesday 10/10/12
For the soft strength of playing with watercolors, thank you.
For the courage of Mala Yousafze and others who know their hearts, thank you.
For the hope of uncertainty, the breath of pain, the silence of loss, and the Sweet Hands of Life that gather all these in, and offer instead a morning walk to watch the sun rise, and one other walker who stopped and said "Isn't it beautiful?" Thank you.
For the little things I so often fail to write but whisper in my heart, warm coffee, the dancing trees, my little scruffy companion so very precious, the color of grass, a house and bed, feathers and rocks, shoes and a warm bath, so so many things you let me see, and for the whispers and threads, and even the feeling that I am a "freak" the way I see, You make me giggle, You are my Friend and Companion who never leaves, Thank you.
For the day, and each precious breath, thank you.
Tuesday 10/9/12
For the wonder of a little paint set, so small, so simple, thank you.
For the dance of my hand, so long hidden, her heart at last freed, thank you.
For the squirrel that did not run as I went to add more seed, he is learning to trust, thank you.
For my little heart that holds the hand of my body, and sometimes must carry, thank you.
For the day, certain and uncertain, precious breaths, thank you.
Monday 10/8/12
For the day's grace to see a father playing with his ever so young little ones, and the smile on his face, thank you.
For the flock of Pinyon Jays that feasted at the feeders, thank you.
For a walk, not as long as should be, but a walk with nature, the breath of the wind, to see the abundance and not the distance, thank you.
For the day, certain and uncertain, precious breaths, thank you.
Sunday 10/7/12
For the morning's gentleness shrouded in clouds and damp coldness, a reminder to pause and listen to the silence, I thank you.
For little whispers and scriches of my heart, thank you.
For a walk in sunshine, basking to see families walking together and the sun dancing upon the lake, thank you.
For the Praying Mantis that greeted me as I walked, sweet mercy have not seen one since I was a child I think, thank you for such a precious gift.
For the day, certain and uncertain, precious breaths, thank you.
Saturday 10/6/12
For the walk in the morning winter chill, to feel the sun, see the hush upon the mountain, thank you.
For the gift of watching two strangers stop and talk to the squirrel, oh I do thank you.
For the gift of the heart's warmth, and courage to still be, thank you.
For the day, certain and uncertain, accepted with gratitude, thank you.
Friday 10/5/12
For the rhythm of the seasons thank you.
For the birds and squirrels that know food will be there for them, thank you.
For the preciousness of each moment and breath, thank you.
For hearts of compassion, life, wonder and gratitude, thank you.
For uncertainty that like a chalk drawing is both beautiful and changeable, thank you.
For the day, accepted with gratitude and graced, Thank you.
Thursday 10/4/12
For the wonder of a predawn walk that sauntered into dawn, thank you.
For the gift of seeing my breath and feeling the dance, thank you.
For the shiver of cold in my body, and yes, even the numb cold of my hands, thank you.
For the walk in the woods this afternoon, brief, but a new path found, time has no meaning when walking with trees and rocks and even into a small carved out valley, thank you.
For the day, a simple day, accepted as is with gratitude and graced, Thank you.
Wednesday 10/3/12
For the day, a simple day, accepted as is with gratitude, Thank you.
Tuesday 10/2/12
For the screech of an eagle, chipmunks that laughed, and the dance of Autumn leaves and trees, I thank you.
For the simple and amazing beauty of nature, the gifts of the earth, to touch, breathe, behold and feel, thank you.
For keeping me safe on the drive to the mountain, becoming my eyes when they failed to see, thank you.
For the summit I did not reach, and the simple lesson of essence, thank you.
For remembrance with gratitude, and the little faithful prayer, thank you.
For the day, the strength, the weariness, the doubting and the little heart that yet whispers, 'try', thank you.
For uncertainty and fear, that cause me to look to you Sweet Life, for I fear my body has surrendered, thank you.
For the day, the night, and these my breaths, thank you Sweet Hands of Life.
Monday 10/1/12
For the month of harvest I thank you.
For the touch of walking with the early dawn, thank you.
For the squirrel that hopped over and stood so close I could see the bend in his wrist, the Hawk and Crows floating on the thermals, sweet Mercy, thank you.
For the mountains that have become my friends, thank you.
For the day, the night, and these my breaths, thank you Sweet Hands of Life.
Sunday 9/30/12
For the sight of snow on the mountain earth, and the laughter, I thank you.
For rain, the sight of snow and sun that made my back warm, I thank you.
For the beauty of Autumn, trees ablaze and some already in their naked dance, thank you.
For the moon, still, as always, beautiful and forever full, thank you.
For the rhythm of seasons, thank you.
For the day, the night, and these my breaths, thank you Sweet Hands of Life.
Saturday 9/29/12
For the amazing full moon, thank you.
For the grace of steadying my hand for a moment so I could hold her image in the camera, thank you.
For the grace to see her full every night, with eyes that have not failed, thank you.
For my little precious heart and the whisper of intent and courage surrendered, thank you.
For the day, the night, and these my breaths, thank you Sweet Hands of Life.
Friday 9/28/12
For the gift and grace of watching others living and singing their passion, dreams and hearts, to know their presence, thank you.
For the shopkeeper who remembered me from weeks ago, for presence, conversation, to be seen, thank you.
For my precious little white scruffy companion who knows when the pain is unkind and gifts to me her softness and eyes so gentle, thank you.
For the migrating birds and the formation of the geese over the mountains, thank you.
For the day sweet Life, for this day, thank you.
Thursday 9/27/12
For the precious tree, her strength, her grace, the years and decades she has stood at the top of the hill, her gentleness, thank you for guiding us to meet.
For the heart which stores precious images, presence and softness encountered, thank you.
For the night sweet Life, for this night, thank you.
Wednesday 9/26/12
For the memory of the line from "The Little Prince" - 'It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.' Thank you.
For the memory of the prayer written by Tagore, calling out to You Sweet Spirit, "Hold my hand." Thank you.
For this day sweet gentle hands of life, the eyes of the Heart and the holding of my hand. Thank you.
Tuesday 9/25/12
For today, the image of creation I say thank you.
For simple touches of nature reflecting your grace, thank you.
For decisions and choices, heart versus mind, thank you.
For the day sweet Life, simple breaths, stillness and remembrance, thank you.
Monday 9/24/12
For surrendered acceptance of choices made, thank you.
For those who sacrifice their hearts and time to give hope and a heart to victims of abuse, the hungry and homeless, quiet angels seeking no applause, they simply care enough to believe, thank you.
For the day sweet Life, simple truths, simple breaths, stillness and remembrance, thank you.
Sunday 9/23/12
For the ritual of fall and the joy of watching the squirrels burying their treasures, thank you.
For the movement of water upon the lake, the ripples, current and dance, thank you.
For the gift of sight that matters that fills the holes of sight that is fading, thank you.
For unanswered questions, the seeking and longing, thank you.
For the seasons, the day, and the unknown tomorrow, thank you.
For yet another day I can whisper to my heart, still here, thank you.
For the whispered prayer for those on my heart that they may know happiness, be whole, know peace and their truth, and the grace to offer such prayer to You, thank you.
Thank you sweet Life.
Saturday 9/22/12
For the tapestry of autumn I say thank you.
For the joy watching my scruffy white companion in the woods, thank you.
For those stopping their cars, anywhere nature's beauty called, some to take pictures, others to just stop and look, thank you.
For the uncertainty of of not knowing, thank you.
For seasons, the day, and the unknown tomorrow, thank you.
Thank you sweet Life.
Friday 9/21/12
For the day, the gift of kind, thank you sweet Life. Thank you.
For seasons winding down, to know such gifts, I am blessed.
Thursday 9/20/12
For the grace of unknowing held within trust, thank you.
For the longing and desire to know, thank you.
For a simple heart, faithful to share, hungry to honor you with her words, thank you.
For the day sweet Life, each breath and moment a gift, thank you.
Wednesday 9/19/12
For the sweet gift of a body that could not walk until later which gifted the opportunity to sit invisible with another's pain or uncertainty, I humbly say thank you.
For the ripples and dance of water as the pebbles of peace, harmony, laughter and love were cast into the lake, thank you.
For the sight of such a tiny tiny bird, not much bigger than one of my fingers, dark with a touch of gold, that sat still on the bush as I stood in awe, sweet mercy the abundance of creation, thank you.
For the day sweet Life, and all the memories, thank you.
Tuesday 9/18/12
For the wonder at how the sun can penetrate into the body and seem to almost cradle the heart, I say thank you.
For the trees, still alive with flocks of birds, that outnumber the leaves and make the trees seem to sing, I say thank you.
And with a joyful giggle, for band-aides, with heartfelt thanks, I say thank you, and smile yet again.
For things dropped and picked up again, creating the mindfulness lesson of recovery and healing, I say thank you.
For the laughter of kids playing frisbie football, that made my dragging leg stumble as I laughed to watch, oh sweet mercy, I would gladly have landed on the ground, so great was the joy, the images, the sounds. Sweet mercy joyful gentle Hands of Life, thank you.
For the couple, total strangers, standing behind me in the check out line, who asked if I was a runner - I am tan and the weight loss has made me lean- to remember when I was, to have another see me and speak, and the sparkle in their eyes when I said no, I am only a walker now. So are they and they shared their joy of walking the mountains. Sweet Hands of Life, such wonderful moments. Humbly filled with gratitude, I say thank you.
For a timid heart, yet tendered by love that does believe and gently loves the mind to believe and holds the body in compassion til she believes, I say thank you.
For seasons gone, another one turning the page of present to past, not knowing how many more, savoring what is, I say thank you.
For the day sweet Life, for the day, I say thank you and yes.
Monday 9/17/12
For the imprint of angel's knees upon my heart planting seeds of love, I say thank you.
For the sound of geese encouraging each other as they begin such a long journey, may I be as compassionate as the geese towards all others upon their journey, and for the reminder, I say thank you.
For all the birds that filled the trees, their chatters dancing through the open windows and filling the house, I say thank you.
For the gift of seeing a mother at the bus stop, outside the window, and the smile on the little girl's face as she ran to her mother, and they walked home hand in hand, sweet mercy I say thank you.
For the gift of the white and brown feather, the pigeon I have always admired, so different than all the others, a single feather, a treasured gift, I say thank you.
For the crows/ravens that found the berries on the fence vine and danced in the vine like kids in a sprinkler, for the laughter they gifted me and their hunger that was fed, I say thank you.
For the image of the pain and weakness like the mud that holds and feeds the beautiful blooming lotus, thank you.
For the day, sweet Life, another gift, still here, with my little heart blessed by your touch, sculpted by such sweet memories, thank you.
Sunday 9/16/12
For the morning awakening trusting your embrace, I say thank you.
For simple whispers, I say thank you.
For the woman carrying her dog who tired, our laughter and smiles, and the young parents sitting on the grass playing with their young ones, such grace and gifts you give to me, return the joy upon each one, and may my gratitude be a gentle bow upon the gift you offer to them. Thank you.
For destiny's touch, infinity's dance, the grace of touch, I say thank you.
For pebbles tossed upon the waters, rippled circles moving water and time, I say thank you.
For my sweet little heart, that gathers feathers, sees the clouds, and still remains childlike though the season's rhythms cannot heal, I say thank you.
For the day, sweet Life, for yet another day, thank you.
Saturday 9/15/12
For the squirrel that walked up to me, almost walked onto my feet, as I stood and said 'good day'. His face and body so calm, so very close, so serene and unafraid, I humbly sweet Life, say thank you.
For the smile and wave from the man sitting in his car, who witnessed my conversation with the squirrel, a gentle face and smile, I say thank you.
For a sky with clouds forming journal lines, begging for the heart's pen and ink, I say thank you.
For the preciousness of life, the beauty of simplicity, the truthfulness of nature and the gentle touch of Your Hands, I say thank you.
For the fear in my heart, when I write little scriches for others to see, trusting the words honor You. My writing may not be a gift, nor a poet or writer, and I am not so wise, but for the chance to leave a feather for You, a small gift, sweet Life, in awe I say thank you.
For the day sweet gentle Hands of Life, I leave tiny notes here to say thank you.
Friday 9/14/12
For the morning walk, the kiss of dew upon the leaf, the first migration, I say thank you.
For the rhythm of seasons, I thank you.
For the naked dancing trees that will welcome fall, and knowing no matter what else may be, spring will follow winter. It is the dance. Thank you.
Thursday 9/13/12
To see the sundog atop Fisher's Peak, thank you.
For the sun's reflection in a mud puddle, left from the precious rain, thank you.
For tears, never mind their names, You gather every one, humbly, I say thank you.
For the day, the gift. Thank you.
Namaste, sweet Hands of Life. Namaste.
Wednesday 9/12/12
For the soft drizzling rain, soaking the earth, I say thank you.
For the unmatched sound of rain falling, to close my eyes and listen as it dances on the porch screen, the wooden ledge, the plants, trees and sidewalk. Sweet mercy such a sound. Thank you for both the rain, the sound, and the gift of hearing.
For endings and their remembered beginnings, I say thank you.
For the day sweet Life, for the gift. Thank you.
Tuesday 9/11/12
Thank you.
Namaste, sweet Hands of Life. Namaste.
Monday 9/10/12
For the return of the delicate humming bird, suspended in the air, teasing me with its flight, I say thank you.
For the rock with such white and blue swirls, I thought it reflecting the sky, I say thank you.
For the squirrel hugging the tree and then climbed a bit, in my imagination, to meet me eye to eye, and we stood and conversed, such an image, in humble awe I say thank you.
For a day of such pain, yet even as I walked, unmindful of any who might hear, joined with the singer, and loudly sang, "I have a dream" I say thank you.
For the image of the bird trapped in the feeder, the fear, sometimes, that what I write, the whisperings of my little heart, should perhaps best be kept to myself, and yet I leave them naked and exposed, I say thank you and pray they will always honor You.
For the day, sweet Life, for the gift of the day, the gift of the pain, the struggle to see, and memories so treasured, I say thank you.
Sweet, sweet gentle Hands of Life, for Your presence, Your grace, Your gentleness and joy, for Life, I bow and say thank you.
Sunday 9/9/12
For the gentle open kindness of others, I humbly and with awe, say thank you.
For the morning spent walking not in nature, but through the neighborhood streets and empty downtown streets, leaving prayers for the struggling business owners, peace for the homes, and sighs of joys to see flower boxes tended, listening to wind chimes, the sounds of different music, to feel the rhythm and pulse of the homes and life. Sweet gentle hands of life, I say thank you. Thank you.
For the day, sweet Life, for the gift of the day, namaste.
Saturday 9/8/12
For the gift of seeing young people gathered and playing at the park, laughing so hard they grabbed their knees, such a sight of joy, I say thank you.
For the older man, who the first time we passed each other by the lake, would not return my smile, but did so the second and third, a sweet smile at that, and touched my heart, I say thank you.
For such gifts, simple as they are, and their embrace so gentle around all that is not soft, such sweet gentle hands they are, I say, sweet Hands of Life, for their mercy, thank you.
For the day, sweet Life, still here, for the day, thank you.
Friday 9/7/12
For the amazing taste of fall today, even the house sighed to feel the relief, I say thank you.
For the smallest of the birds that gift my heart at the feeders, who did not fly away, but sat and watched, with humble awe and wonder, I say thank you.
For the "amen" of the prayer- "May it be so" I say thank you.
For the day sweet gentle Hands of Life, for the day, thank you.
Thursday 9/6/12
For the day that brought the night, I say thank you. A simple prayer of gratitude and all the breaths gifted. Thank you.
Wednesday 9/5/12
For the gift of this body, and hope for the re-lighting of the luminaries to dispel the darkness of pain, the restoration of the spirit's temple, I say thank you.
For the bear leaving the feeders intact, with a smile I say thank you.
For the kind skunk, that ran in front of me, kindly not spraying, as I put the feeders into the garage, with such laughter, I say thank you.
For those who volunteer, without applause, and give of their hearts, time and compassion to those in need, humbly, gratefully, and with such awe and wonder, say thank you.
For the ripples upon the lake, carrying my prayers, compassionate gentle touches to those upon my heart, I say thank you.
For today, sweet Hands of Life. It is a gift. Tomorrow is tomorrow and between now and the appointed time for tomorrow, all I have is today,and for that, sweet mercy, I say thank you.
Tuesday 9/4/12
For the waves of time that lift and carry, knowing not a calendar or yesterday, carrying yesterday, today and tomorrow together in a gentle crest of now, I say thank you.
For kindness, I say thank you.
For the bounty of birds, the Blue Pinyon Jay whose call I now recognize, I say thank you.
For the joy of the taste of tears transformed into the taste of the salty Gulf, I say thank you, sweet mercy such a sweet taste.
For a walk I did not make with my legs, but you gifted a walk in my heart, I am blessed and say thank you.
And sweet gentle Hands of Life, I mean not for this simple page to be so brief. You have blessed me in so many ways, I leave here only small threads dangling from the tapestry of gifts you have woven. And humbly, with the softness of my little heart, with gratitude for the mercies, I say thank you.
Monday 9/3/12
For the grace that not a day should go by, without knowing it was blessed and a gift, I say thank you.
Sunday 9/2/12
For the squirrel that jumped straight up into the air, landed, and looked at me, making me laugh til tears filled my eyes, I do so say thank you.
For the morning sit, watching the sky so slowly awaken, to know the canvas before the blush, I humbly say thank you for that gift.
For the ability to walk, I say thank you.
For the gift of kindness from others, my heart to her knees, thank you.
For my little scriches and ponderings, so simple, but for my heart, each one treasured, may they honor you, and perhaps leave a blessing upon any who might chance to see. For the threads and whispers, I say thank you.
For my little heart that trusts, still, I say thank you.
For the day sweet Life, simply for the day, thank you sweet, sweet Hands of Life.
Saturday 9/1/12
For the tween time period between summer's end and fall, complete with full moon, I say thank you.
For your gentle hands, sweet Life, I say thank you.
For the promise of dawn, I say thank you.
Friday 8/31/12
For the dance of moon and nature, her gift of grace, I say thank you.
For the day that gave me the night to see, I am blessed. thank you.
Thursday 8/30/12
For the sound of so many pigeons taking flight, their wings fluttering and their gentle coo sound, I say thank you.
For the sight of leaves beginning to turn and to notice this morning even the prism rainbows from the morning sun have moved locations, I say thank you.
For the kindness of a waitress and cook, to sit and chat, to share their laughter, wit and dreams, sweet mercy I say thank you.
For the stranger on the phone, who when we were done, laughed and then said I had made her day, such was the laughter you gifted her through me, sweet mercy, I say thank you.
For connections lost and then found, I say thank you, I am blessed.
For the pain, the dance, the movement, and the trusted hope, on my knees in grace, I say thank you
And always, for my little heart and sweet little spirit, my humble scriches and threads, silly perhaps to others but they are sweet gifts to me, I say thank you.
For you, sweet, sweet Hands of Life, for You, I say namaste, and thank you..
Wednesday 8/29/12
For today, I say thank you.
For the big, but small, big brother pushing and steadying his smaller sister on her bike with training wheels, so kind and gentle, I say thank you.
For the ability to walk, no matter the distance, simply the fact that I can and did, I say thank you.
For the almost full moon, and memories of her dance, I say thank you.
For my little heart, her courage, her prayer, her beating, I say thank you.
For You, sweet, sweet Hands of Life, for You, I say namaste, and thank you.
Tuesday 8/28/12
For today, I say thank you.
For the evening memories of running, the sound of waves, and the moon resting upon the blackened shroud of the Gulf at night, I say thank you.
For hope, I say thank you.
For the compassion that allows me to whisper, sweet Hands of Life, a wink of grace please, I say thank you.
Monday 8/27/12
For the gift of poetry that fills the spaces, I say thank you.
For the grace to know that sorrow, like the gentleness of Your hands, sweet Life, will remain faithful to itself, I say thank you.
with no warning,
You are ambushed by grief.
You are ambushed by grief.
It becomes hard to trust yourself.
All you can depend on now is that
Sorrow will remain faithful to itself.
More than you, it knows its way
And will find the right time
To pull and pull the rope of grief
Until that coiled hill of tears
Has reduced to its last drop.
All you can depend on now is that
Sorrow will remain faithful to itself.
More than you, it knows its way
And will find the right time
To pull and pull the rope of grief
Until that coiled hill of tears
Has reduced to its last drop.
~ John O' Donohue
For the day, simple truths, gentle hands of Life, I say thank you.
Still, always,a miracle and a gift. Thank you.
Sunday 8/26/12
And for the prayer of Bodhisattva, I say thank you.
May all the pain of every living
being Be wholly scattered and destroyed.
For all those ailing in the world, Until their every sickness has been healed, May
I myself become for them The doctor, nurse and medicine itself. My body, thus,
and all my goods besides, And all my merits gained and to be gained, I give
them all away withholding nothing To bring about the benefit of beings. May I
be a guard for those who are protectorless, A guide for those who journey on
the road. For those who wish to go across the water, May I be a boat, a raft, a
And for a tiny heart, that holds my weary body and reminds her of the prayer, the need, a reason to believe, I say thank you.
Saturday 8/25/12
For the grace and gift to see that one day guarantees not another nor does it remain hostage to the past, it is the present, a present, a gift, in an of itself, for this I say thank you.
Simple truths of a simple woman, and for who she was, is and will be, she is Your child, sweet Hands of Life, thank you.
Today, this moment, now, thank you. Namaste sweet Life, I do so honor you.
Friday 8/24/12
For the caressing clouds upon the mountains this morning, casting the appearance of winter's snow, I say thank you.
For the tiny defiant or trusting little bird that would not leave the feeder when I went to add more seed, my laughter and the wonderful conversation we had, I say thank you.
For darkened storm clouds clashing against blue sky and wispy clouds, I say thank you.
For a little scruffy dog, with soft eyes that looks at me and seems to know, I say thank you.
For today, sweet Hands of Life, for yet another day, I am grateful and I say thank you.
Thursday 8/23/12
For the grace to see fear as a child that begs mine hand to hold hers, I say thank you.
For the grace to see hopelessness as a child that begs an embrace, I say thank you.
For the grace to see uncertainty as a child awaiting an unlimited future yet to arrive, I say thank you.
For the grace to feel pain, and to know sweet Hands of Life, I am the child, I say thank you.
Wednesday 8/22/12
For the grace to see each day as a gift, I say thank you.
Tuesday 8/21/12
For a morning of anticipation, wind, song and disappointment turned into sweet reverie, I say thank you.
For trust in your gentle hands, sweet Hands of Life, I say thank you.
I know not what awaits, nor how the loom will weave these threads, I know only my little heart believes despite the body's failing and weariness, and even then, the body somehow also believes, for that sweet Life, I say thank you.
For today, simple truths, sweet Hands of Life, simply for today, I say thank you.
Monday 8/20/12
For the rain upon the parched earth, I say thank you.
For the cool breeze and temperature that filled the house, the dancing curtains and the breath of life, to remember hope's breath, I say thank you.
For a kind word offered that touched my heart, I say thank you
For sweet memories and reflections of laughter, smiles, and to know my heart and scriches were known, I say thank you..
For today, sweet Hands of Life, simply for today, I say thank you.
Sunday 8/19/12
For the sound of so many birds filling the house and yard, I say thank you.
For the elderly gentlemen who seem so pleased when my walk coincides with theirs and our gentle bantering as we pass each time, I say thank you.
For the older woman's eyes that filled with pride and love, when I stopped to pet her dog and told her how beautiful he was, I say thank you.
For today, sweet Hands of Life, simply for today, I say thank you. Namaste, Life.
Saturday 8/18/12
For the joy of a river running, playing, bathing and re-shaping rocks and earth, I say thank you.
For the "race" with the little boy who yelled "I'll race you!" as I walked. The laughter of his mother and grandmother as we "raced." The smile on his face as I knelt beside him, in humble "defeat" and lifted my arms to show him how to feel the power of his victory and he did. The hands of his grandmother against her heart as his mother took his picture. Never sweet Hands of Life has defeat tasted so sweet. For the gift, I say thank you.
For the feather that appeared when I thought I would find none, I say thank you.
For the pain, the weakened knees and eyes, I humbly say thank you.
Simple truths. Simple hope. Simple trust. Simply trying. Sweet Hands of Life, for these I say thank you
Friday 8/17/12
For the day, the feathers and gifts, I say thank you.
For the silence, save the change in breathing, on the phone that let me know I made my father laugh, I say thank you.
Simple truths. Simple hope. Simple trust. Simply trying. Sweet Hands of Life, for these I say thank you.
Thurs 8/16/12
For a morning of nectar, breakfast and visiting with a stranger friend, I say thank you.
For the gift of human presence, soft eyes and gentle smile I say thank you.
For the nice woman at the store who helped me, and the gift of laughter given her, through me, I am honored and I say thank you.
For the taste of sweetness and gentleness that embraces the pain, I say thank you.
Sweet gentle hands of life, I do not know when the pains will cease, I know only that I rest them in your hands, and come what may, thy will is my intent, thy wisdom my hope, and life my belief. Thank you.
Wednesday 8/15/12
For the trust of your sweet gentle hands, precious Life, that the prayers of peace offered for those whose voices carried so much rage, will be answered, I say thank you.
For the simple joy of playing with a toy, I say thank you.
For the wind's exhale drawn down from the trees and mountain and gathered with every inhale of my own breath, as I walked, I say thank you.
For all the have nots, cannots, the pain that grows worse with trying to heal, eyes that cannot see and one hand that cannot hold or write, and the quietness each one brings to my heart, knowing Your sweet Hands, o Life, are strong enough, I say thank you.
Simple truths trying to find the loom that will weave them together, a tapestry of beauty, love, faithfulness and belief in destiny and forever, this moment alone is worthy of the journey and for that hope, I say thank you.
Tuesday 8/14/12
For the bear that took down another bird feeder last night, and the image in my mind made me giggle, I say thank you.
For birds that sometimes linger when I go out, no longer flutter away in excited fright, trusting me just a bit, I say thank you.
For a day of not nice pain, I bow my head in grace, and say thank you.
Simple truths, still I am here, this moment is alive, I have no claim on the next, and I say thank you.
Monday 8/13/12
For the day, the moments and tears, I say thank you.
For the rain, I deeply say thank you.
For the double rainbow, a gift to share I say thank you.
And always, for my body, heart and little spirit, a humble but ever so treasured thank you.
Simple truths, still here.
Sunday 8/12/12
For the quiet morning, before dawn, the mandala stars and moon, I say thank you.
For the cooler temperatures that let my body and the house breathe, even the birds and squirrels seemed pleased, I say thank you.
For singing out loud as I walked, and even daring to let my head keep time with the music, shyly, but gratefully, I say thank you.
For the nice gentleman, who spoke each time we passed, and suggested I didn't need to walk so far or I would soon be invisible since I was so thin, for his kindness and smile, a stranger's concern, I say thank you.
For the end of the first week of trying to heal and restore my body, and for Your strength with the pain, and the whisper of 'only this moment, just be in this one moment' I say thank you.
For the shuffle of songs on the little iPod that made me smile and recall fond memories, I say thank you.
For constancy, faithfulness, and simple childlike whispers I am sure sometimes are so odd to others, but treasures you give, I say thank you.
And for sweet tears that cleanse my little spirit, I say thank you.
Saturday 8/11/12
For the frustration with the pain, and feeling like no ground has been gained, the fight to continue, the some times wavering of hope, I say thank you. Thank you for the awareness that this moment is all that matters, to look not to the next or beyond. Thank you.
For a little dog, with my sock in her mouth, who peeps around the door to see if I am looking, scurries off when our eyes meet and I giggle, only to return and play peek-a-boo I have your sock, again, I say thank you.
For almost a month of gratitude scriches, a gentle smile as I say thank you.
For ginger snap cookies dunked in coffee and the wisdom of Winnie the Pooh, I say thank you.
For a walk around the lake midday, with the heat, no one else, and my voice that sang fun old forgotten songs, out loud and with a strong voice, I say thank you.
For the two feathers found while walking and singing, and the delight in my heart, I say thank you.
For footprints left upon my heart that remain long after the door has closed, for these gifts I say thank you.
For the day, this night, my little heart and spirit, simple truths and soft eyes, I say thank you sweet Hands of Life....thank you for these gifts.
Friday 8/10/12
For the few hours this morning when it felt like fall, I say thank you.
For the tears to see the trees starting to drop their leaves, distressed from heat and drought, I say thank you....thank you trusting nature's wisdom and healing.
For the laughter that filled the park and echoed against the lake, when I finally stopped to figure out why I kept getting pebbles inside me shoes - the soles had holes. So many miles they had walked. For the miles and the laughter that kept bubbling up as I finished my walk, I say with a smile, thank you.
For the whisper of a plastic toy horse, molded in a stance of power, rearing up on his back legs, an impulse buy and yet perhaps not. For the gift of the Wind Horse memory and a simple but joyful toy, I say thank you.
For the week that is ending, that began yet another journey of hope to end the pain and heal my body, the sundog and angel cloud, I say thank you.
For the gift you have given me, the gift of a little spirit and heart that keep trying, belieiving in simple truths, I say thank you.
I bow to you sweet Life. I am still here. Simple sweet truth. Thank you.
Thursday 8/9/12
For the laughter when a "cat" turned out to be a skunk, I so gratefully gratefully thank you.
For the mountain horizon and the warmth of the sun seeping into my body as in quietness I sat upon the rocks, I say thank you.
For all the feathers gifted to me, to see how different each one is, and their textured touch, I say thank you.
For the morning coffee, the coolness of red grapes, simple gifts but they are delights, I say thank you.
For the still awareness of how many things I could list in gratitude, leaving so few here, I say thank you.
For my sweet little spirit and gentle heart, living in uncertainty and trusting the unfolding, softly carrying my body, I bow from the waist and bend my neck in surrender, and humbly, say thank you.
And though my words are but scriches and threads, more often nonsensical and childlike whispers of hope, still I leave them, and pray they honor You. And for the gift of offering back to You, sweet mercy gentle hands of Life, is there something I can say that is stronger than 'thank you'?
Namaste sweet Life, gentle lights of souls, I am still here, tending the flame. Thank you.
Wednesday 8/8/12
For the joy of sitting upon the earth with my feet dancing in the lake water, I say thank you.
For the amazing discovery of two tiny shells, that reminded me of those I would collect walking along the precious Gulf, I say, with a heart's sigh, thank you.
For lying in the grass and looking at the clouds, the earth's warmth upon my back, I say thank you.
For the moments of simple joy, sitting in a swing, swinging as my legs reached for the sky, I say thank you.
For these moments, of simply being, thank you.
And for my sweet little heart, that offers comfort to the body in pain, even as she is trying herself to heal, I bow my head and say thank you.
Simple truths, simple moments of wonder, as I am, though others may not see, I say thank you.
Namaste sweet little child within me, Namaste sweet Hands of Life who hold us both, I do so honor you.
Tuesday 8/7/12
For having my little dog back with me, I thank you.
For the morning scrich that touched my heart and made me sigh, I thank you.
For the hope of the pain ending, and maybe eyes to see, I thank you.
For the gift of trying, I thank you.
For your presence Sweet Hands of Life, when there are no others, I thank you.
For simple truths, a heart that love fuels and gentle hope, I thank you.
Namaste sweet Hands of Life, I do so honor you.
Monday 8/6/12
For the deep sleep last night in an air conditioned room I say thank you. Thank you for the simple gift but with a prayer for those who have no such room, nor even a bed nor hope to have shelter from the rain or other elements. Thank you sweet Life, may I never take such simple gifts for granted nor cease in my efforts to bring these same gifts to others.
For the moon that hovered over the tree and her cloud companion this morning long after the sky turned blue, I thank you.
For the joy yesterday of finding the red thread clinging to a branch, I say thank you. Thank you for returning the gift.
For the journey yesterday which began with the dancing of clouds and the sun and ended with a prism'd sundog and an angle cloud dancing above, I say thank you.
For patience with my timid hope, for the hope that now the journey begins to end the pain and rebuild and restore what has been so badly damaged. I say thank you. A journey still before us sweet Hands of Life, but my little hand is in yours, to walk together into the healing. Hope and chance to honor Your gift. I say thank you.
For the gentleness and soft eyes of one who listened, and when words were spoken, they breathed upon the same chariots of images You had given me, I say thank you.
For the simple joy of seeing the birds, when I got back, and feeding their empty feeders and water dishes, I say thank you.
For the return to a house, emptied of the cool breeze, but it is where I abide with You sweet Life, and for that I say thank you.
For the anticipation of seeing my little dog tomorrow, I say thank you.
For little things, for a heart that still looks for and believes in nothing ordinary
Simple truths. A sweet brave little heart that remains faithful. And for the sweet tears that fell for the absences, losses, and dreams of what was and was to be, I say thank you for their treasures. I still believe, and for that I also say thank you.
Sunday 8/5/12
For the kind words gifted, with humbled heart, I say thank you and may their kindness flow back to each one - thank you.
For the drive this morning with the clouds and sun dancing beside me, I say thank you.
For helping my eyes to see as I drove, I say thank you.
For the young man, who just appeared, as I pondered how to cross the stream, held out his hand and guided me and my dragging leg across the log, I so gratefully say thank you.
For the way he laughed when I introduced myself and said helping hands should not be strangers, I say thank you.
For time walking among new trees and paths, lizards that wanted to race and the butterfly that seemed to be waiting for me at every turn, I say thank you.
For the amazing wonder of walking into a room with an air conditioner, a room cooler than the outside and the giggle of taking a warm shower because the room is cool, I say thank you. Such a gift, thank you.
And for tomorrow, simply as it is, yes with hope for an answer, but simply for tomorrow, as it is, it will be perfect and I say thank you now for tomorrow, another day is so much to be grateful for. The rest, as they say, is gravy, and for that I say thank you again.
For simple truths, precious threads, and a faithful heart that finds grains of courage, I say thank you.
Saturday 8/4/12
For a yard that looked like an ocean of bird waves, and filling the feeders three times, I so gratefully say thank you.
For weather that didn't get over 80, the sigh of the house and my heat wearied body, I so so gratefully say thank you...and somewhat giddy.
For the gentle whisper to the pain that tomorrow the short journey begins, hope perhaps, to try for sure, and to know the "answer" rests in trying, I say thank you.
For courage and fear, for hope and fear, for trust and fear, and even in solitude, I say thank you.
For the wonder of what the short journey will offer but the abiding in this moment, as it is, I say thank you.
Simple truths, precious threads, and a faithful heart, I say thank you.
Friday 8/3/12
To quiet the day and gift back an hour of so to reflect on the gifts, I say thank you.
For the lady at the auto shop who made me laugh so hard, to think my name was the same as Dog the Bounty Hunter's wife, but felt sure we would not be mistaken, I do so thank you.
For an afternoon break in the heat which gifted a walk with my little dog, I say thank you.
For a journey of hope on Monday that may heal some of the pain, I say thank you.
For pebbles cast into the lake bearing intentions and whispers of the heart, and watching the ripples stream out upon the lake and into the Hands of Life, I say thank you.
For dreams, for intentions, for a brave little heart that gently keeps me going, I say thank you.
O precious Hands of Life, I am still here, and sometimes the amazement is overwhelming, I say thank you.
Simple truths, precious threads, and a faithful heart, I say thank you.
Thursday 8/2/12
Though the day is not over, a brief pause to reflect upon the abundance of Life, to which I say thank you.
For the laughter of an old timer weed eating and my pause to ask if he did hair cuts, I say thank you.
For the rain and the sound of thunder, I say thank you.
For the sundog prism'd rainbow this morning and the new flower that opened up, a first of its kind, I say thank you.
For the simple joy of watching so many birds come and feed, such a joy, no feathers needed to find, I say thank you.
For such simple truths, simple joys, and finding peace in the way my heart and mind see the world, I say thank you.
For my brave little heart, and the sweet spirit she bears, no matter how fearful or daunted I become, still, always, she holds on, I say thank you.
For the hope and trust that one day to share with another, I say thank you.
For today, and all the joys like thunderclouds bearing rain upon the parched earth of cannots, I say thank you.
I am a simple woman, both a thread and looking for threads, for her, for me - as I was, as I am, as I will be, still, always, simple truth, I say thank you.
Sweet mercy gentle hands of life, abundance and abiding.
Wednesday 8/1/12
For the joy of talking with the elderly wheel chair bound man about fishing, and the twinkle in his eyes and the way they got big as he talked, I say thank you.
For the elderly women who saw my camera and took my arm, leading me to the beautiful flowers, I say thank you.
For chipmunks, the lake, crows and hawks, and the remembering of the same lake frozen in winter, I say thank you.
For today. For memories. For simple truths ever so dear, I say thank you.
Tuesday 7/31/12
For life as a choice, I say thank you.
For the squirrel rolling in the dirt and jumping in the air, making me laugh, I say thank you.
For a brief rain upon the parched earth, I say thank you.
For small attempts to heal, though the intent is greater than the action for now, I say thank you.
For the beauty of poetry and the blessed gift to try and read, I say thank you.
For the full moon, so bright in the sky, reminding me that even darkness can give birth to light, I say thank you.
Still. Always. Here. Simply me holding simple truths ever so dear, I say thank you.
Monday 7/30/12
For the eagles or hawks, I do not know which they were, that circled overhead, gliding upon the wind, and offering the feathers of life and joy, I say thank you.
For the ability to walk, even after an injury, a heart that whispered "I will bear the pain" I say thank you.
For the warmth of a rock, heated by the sun, held in the palm of my hand, and the sensation that I was absorbing the sun and the rock was absorbing my own energy, I say thank you.
For cherished memories and sharings I say thank you.
For an inviting heart, gentle, tender, sometimes fearful but still she invites, I say thank you.
For the taste of my coffee this morning, sometimes the taste just melts into me, I say thank you.
For a car with air conditioning that cooled my body after the walk, I say thank you.
For hope, intent, desire of what one day may be,, knowing this moment is all I have and it is perfect as it is, I say thank you.
Namaste sweet life, I do so honor you.
Sunday 7/29/12
For the image of an inviting heart I thank you.
For the sweet miracle of lifting me up when I fell off the wall and holding the lawn mower suspended on one wheel, such gentle hands, I say thank you.
For the sweet quietness of hope, treasuring this moment as perfect, as it is, not looking beyond, I say thank you.
For the solitude, the pain, the laughter, and simple joy, and the stillness of my head bowed, hands to my heart, neck bent as I whisper Namaste sweet Life, I say thank you.
Still. Always. Simply me. Simple truth. Thank you.
Saturday 7/28/12
For the laughter to watch the birds discover a new feeder, I say thank you.
For the wind that cooled and danced against my body as I walked, I say thank you.
For precious feathers found and the joy they create in my heart, I say thank you.
For my body which tries, and my little and gentle heart that carries her, I say thank you.
For all canvas of night that allows the moon to dance and shine, I say thank you.
For these, and all the thank you whispers during the day, I say thank you.
I am here, still. Thank you.
Friday 7/27/12
For the moon, present against the blue afternoon sky, playing hide-an-seek behind the clouds, I say thank you.
For a mother swinging her son, a "grandfather" fishing with his grandson, and a father swinging his tiny daughter over the lake making her squeal with laughter, I say thank you.
For "ninja squirrel" who scurries across the grass to the feeder, never bouncing or running like the other squirrels, and makes me laugh, I say thank you.
For the learnings, teachings, and bringing together of so many threads, I say thank you.
For the presence of breath, hope and life, and the dance of body mind and spirit, I say thank you.
For my body, which is trying, I say thank you.
For eyes that blessed me with moments enough to read the quote "I want to sing like the birds sing, not worrying about who hears or what they think" (Rumi) I say thank you.
For seeing the poet's name 'Tagore' and remembering when last I heard his words, and the sweet smile that gentled my face, I say thank you.
For this moment, one step at a time, without attachment to the destination or outcome, I say thank you.
For my little heart, I say thank you.
Thursday 7/26/12
Though the day not over, a pause to say thank you for another brief rain.
For a cloudless morning and immense blue sky, I say thank you.
For the clouds that returned to dress the mountains, I say thank you.
For the sound of voices, no longer part of my life, but whose joy, laughter, and sharing remain precious treasures, I say thank you.
For hope and breath, I say thank you.
For the tiny grouping of flowers with blooms that looked like 4th of July sparklers waving in the air, I say thank you.
For the empty circle of earth surrounded by dancing sunflowers, that made me giggle to think of a faerie circle, I say thank you.
For my heart, I say thank you.
Wednesday 7/25/12
For the sweet rain that gave the earth a drink, I say thank you.
For the Koi, so sassy and free that knowing only the water, dared to fly in the air, I say thank you.
For the touch of rain upon my skin, I say thank you.
For the stubbornness of both my body and my little white dog, to walk in the heat, when probably we should not, but such a delight, I say thank you.
For the unlimited view of the blue sky yet storm clouds hovering over the mountains, I say thank you.
For the hawks flying in overlapping circles above me, I say thank you.
For simply being, when doubts say I should not, I say thank you.
Tuesday 7/24/12
For a body that finally surrenders, collapses to the floor in laughter, while trying to do her yoga, because a little white dog, in her own downward facing dog posture, refuses to stop giving your face kisses, I say thank you.
For the breeze through a window, I say thank you.
For the kindness of the driver, who halted traffic and waved me through to cross the street, I say thank you.
For the awareness that I can go and have the gift of a cold shower whenever I need, I say thank you and at the same time, my heart prays for those who are not so gifted.
For a heart that is soft, the passion to help, and the hope of reaching others, I say thank you.
For a timid perhaps weak whisper of 'I am loveable' I say thank you - to start there and then help others to whisper the same, I say thank you again.
I am still here. I exist. Thank you.
Monday 7/23/12
For the glittered sky before dawn, the feel of the stillness as the page turning night into morning pauses, I say thank you.
For the memory of the dear words spoken to me, "Not in greed" when the hawk killed one of the red squirrels in my yard. For the comfort those words gave to me again, to find the feathers and know what had happened, I say thank you.
For the whisper in the tween time of night and morning, that "I" am the thread I have been searching for, the loom and its unwoven tapestry, the search is inward, the outward threads the whispers of what I see, I say thank you.
For the hope and trust my body holds on to, that soon, it will know her healing, I say thank you.
For the tears that fell, when a school requirement I could not do because of my eyes and hands, I say thank you. They are the dark night sky that gives brightness to the moon.
For life, hope, and a heart that believes and still has the courage to write, I say thank you.
For gratitude, I say thank you.
Sunday 7/22/12
For the tapestry of life, so many threads, the woven patterns, even threads that have loosened from the pattern but the weaving holds them together, I say thank you.
For the pain, weariness and cannot do's, I say thank you, the are the dark night sky that lets me see the moon.
Simply for today, alive and being, keep it that simple, I say thank you.
Saturday 7/21/12
For the gentle and firm whisper to go and walk, when the body and mind said no, and to find a beautiful Hawk's tail feather within the first few steps, such a gift, I say thank you.
For a long walk, carrying the Hawk's feather, and telling myself, ok I'll turn back after I reach the top of the next hill and when I reached the top to discover an amazing spot of beauty, cliffed rocks, a dry river bed and countless grouped trees, like tents, beckoning me to come and sit. I must return, but for the gift of beauty and discovery, I truly say thank you.
For a little white dog who runs to greet me upon my return, and smelling the sweat and dust looks up at me as if to say "you stink!" and made me laugh, I say thank you.
For the quietness of a weary body, to lay down and take a nap, I say thank you.
For the treasured memories of things that were, I say thank you.
For this moment, which is all I have, that is filled with grace and blessings, I say thank you.
Friday 7/20/12
For the feather found as I wandered the mountain's hills beneath the fir and pines, I say thank you.
For the tree that graciously let me rest my body against her trunk and cradled my head, I say thank you.
For seeing the snake just before my foot would have stepped on it, with a smile and giggle, I say thank you.
For the earth that without a question receives the drops of tears as gently as she does the rain, I say thank you.
For the quiet moments to see loss against the abundance of nature, I say thank you.
For the amazing cool and thirst quenching taste of watermelon after a long sweaty walk, I say thank you.
For a second walk by the park lake and the two gentlemen, who each time we passed, looked me in the eyes with such wonderful effortless smiles and bellowed "Hello again!" I say thank you.
For a weary body, eyes that continue to fade and a heart with so many questions, and yet the tiny sprig of awareness that they do not define me, I say thank you.
Thursday 7/19/12
For the squeal of a little boy as his dog jumped into the lake and retrieved the stick thrown by the boy, I say thank you.
For the gift of a feather returned, that fell out of my pocket yesterday, unnoticed til I got home. There it was, waiting for me today as I walked, despite the breeze, I say thank you.
For the smile on the little boy's face, as he walked with his mother, grandmother and very very wet dog and the stick still in his hand, as I knelt down and offered him the feather, I say thank you.
For the silly moment, when my mind pondered that when I inhale I create a vacuum or hole and the air would rush in to fill it. And then proceeded to play a childlike game thinking I was drawing the air down from the mountain before me as I walked. For the simple mind of a child, I say thank you.
For a walk, though not as long, when my body and head said 'no' and did their best to keep me still, knowing now the simple pleasures I would have missed, I say thank you.
For the patience of Life, I say thank you.
Wednesday 7/18/12
For the courage of one who has lost their partner, to confess "I cannot breathe but my spirit knows how" I say thank you.
For my scruffy little white dog that walks around with one of my socks in her mouth, pauses to look at me to see if I am watching and then, with tail wagging to see that I am, scampers off to hide the sock, as I laugh, I say thank you.
For the softness of the earth that allowed me to dig a hole with my hands and bury one of the squirrels that feasted at my feeder, and then was hit by a car, I say thank you.
For a photograph of my great niece, leaping off a rock into my brother's, her grandfather, arms, her own arms outstretched and eyes open and huge, I say thank you.
For the moment of pause, as I walked, when I noticed what I consider to be dancing trees, others see as misshaped, twisted and irregular and maybe, just maybe, I have been guilty of seeing myself as misshaped instead of dancing, I say thank you.
For all who are kind to pause and ponder my humble and often silly ponderings, I say thank you.
For a heart that will not give up, I say sweet mercy, I thank you.
For the gift of gratitude, hope, abiding and belief in Life, I say again, sweet mercy, I thank you.
Tuesday 7/17/12
For the laughter or smiles others experienced today, I say thank you.
For the gentleman who stopped his truck in the parking lot, got out and helped me lift the 50 pound bag of bird see into my car, then laughed and asked how much I weighed. When I told him 80 he offered to buy me a taco from the parking lot vendor. For such kindness I say thank you.
For the little boy walking with his mother in his cowboy boots. His legs like little sticks drawrfed by the boots and his smile when I said they were really neat, I say thank you.
For the feeling of grass poking my body as I stopped walking, and simply laid down to look up at the clouds, I say thank you.
For the brief moment's grace when my heart whispered ever so quietly, maybe I am not such a freak, I say thank you.
For the two crow escort flying over me as I walked down to the lake, cawing and waiting if I slowed too much I say thank you.
For the eyes, which seem to be fading more, and the right eye swollen but I cannot see what is wrong, yet they keep looking, and somehow in their own way, trying to read, and cause me to think, if they will not give up, how can I, I say thank you.
For the gift of saying thank you, I am blessed. Namaste sweet Life, I do honor you.
Monday 7/16/12
For the shift in the wind, unexpected, unannounced that flowed so freely through the one open window and screen door, cooling the house and making the feathers on the window ledge dance, I say thank you.
For the father and his young son and daughter, each wearing a straw hat (the children's hats bigger than their heads), sitting like three statutes, beside the lake fishing, I say thank you.
For the sassy squirrel that played hide and seek on the tree each time I passed and the crows that danced and hopped as I passed them on my walk, and the smile they gave me, I say thank you.
For the quickness of my good hand to catch the watermelon falling from my hand that tremors -and without a glove or net!- I say well done little hand, and I say thank you.
For a little white dog that gave my face kisses as I laid on my back practicing my yoga, I say thank you.
For the silence on the other end of the phone, as I talked to my father who can no longer speak, but I still pause to let him talk, I say thank you.
For little rituals, like this page, to give me pause, I say thank you.
Sunday 7/15/12
For the coolness of watermelon that quenches my thirst and draws the heat out of my body, I say thank you.
For the wind that met my every inhale, drawing into my body the oxygen offered by trees, grass, and swirling down from the mountains, I say thank you.
For the anticipation of the first taste of morning coffee I say thank you.
For the awareness that I have been unconditionally touched by another's hands and eyes, as I am and knew for those moments, the absence of fear.
For the mother who pushed who son in the swing while singing a song that made him squeal with laughter, I say thank you.
For the feathers, stones and rocks, their textures and colors that gift my eyes as I look about, I say thank you.
For the simple pause to realize how much,even in absence, my life is filled I say thank you.
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