Monday, June 4, 2012


That which we have given value, declared precious, rare, to be sought after no matter what, lie deep within the earth.  We drill, mine and draw forth minerals and stones the diamonds, gold and oil.  Yet the trees which sustain us,  give us our breath, shade, hold fast the earth’s soil and shelter nature’s fragile creatures, stand naked and exposed.  They have no mountains to nestle inside.  The earth’s soil, for some, barely covers their roots.  Exposed to all the seasons they stand and give.  Even when stripped they have learned to survive, re-birthing the sap and leaves in the spring, to give, yet again.  Those that have fallen to the seasons or fire continue to give as they enrich the earth.  Without them, we would find it difficult, if not impossible, to exist.  They would die if hidden in a vault to protect their worth.

Sweet hands of life, I was simply walking watching the wind bend the trees and make the leaves dance, when it occurred to me they have no shelter.  They have nothing  except what they have become and are…life rooted in the certainty of earth’s soil, reaching upward, sheltering and giving life.  Sweet mercy, do you think maybe we don’t have to dig and claw trying to find value, worth and meaning?  Maybe we just have to be what we are…rooted in the certainty of earth’s soil, reaching upward, sheltering and giving life.

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