About 3 am, my little dog demanded to go out NOW and with only a t-shirt, sweat pants and no socks, the cold pre-dawn 19 degree wind whipped against my body and I bellowed a 'sweet mercy!' that made the stars and moon dance, causing me to squeal in joy and giggles. I giggled to think of Christmas magic for a child. That one moment standing before the tree when the eyes and heart exploded in the squeal of joy. I shall abide in that breathless moment....for the magic, the gifts, the joy and excitement are mine now, wrapped in my BEing. The Essence of Love never makes us wait, tis ours now, this moment, every breath. Oh sweet mercy, the gifts of breath, life, a beating heart, and joy are so precious... but tis the moment of awareness of their presence, the Present...that creates the magic squealing with joy. In that space I shall abide. Sweet mercy....rampant giggles.
Let the magic out! Release the joy of the Present wrapped in ribbons weaving throughout time and all dimensions. Let your squeal be heard and vibrate infinity!
"Inside of everyone is a great shout of joy waiting to be born" ~ David Whyte
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