Saturday, September 14, 2013

Breath and Flame

Sitting with the candle last night my heart sighed to think of all the wonder. The flame, once stilled, began to dance. It made me giggle. To watch how sensitive the flame was to movement and yet the wick stood still. The wick like the trees this morning, dancing with clipper winds, bending and swaying and yet they remain steadied and strong. To use the flame of Life as a guide when that about us would cause us to sway.  Noticing the source the movement, and knowing you, your essence, your truth remains untouched. To dance with the flame and yet in fierce grace to protect the flame. The way the winds may blow we cannot control but we can choose how and when the precious flame will dance, stretch or stand in stillness. Our light moving outward to touch all around and unveil the darkness, but at its essence, its truth, it is our flame.

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