Monday, June 25, 2012

Cooling relief

The house would not release the day's heat. Outside the night air much cooler.  I placed a wet paper towel upon my neck and felt my body's heat penetrate and absorb its cherished coolness.  The heat of my neck overcame the cool relief. I placed the towel, and its tiny remaining cool relief, inside my tank top, upon my chest and against my heart. It felt as if it exploded in cooling waters sending relief throughout my body. What had relinquished to the heat was renewed.

I look at life, our world and so so many needs, suffering, pain, lack and sorrow. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed, what can one such as I do? This morning the simple little paper towel waited next to my coffee pot. It made me smile. Perhaps if I can do nothing else for the world, for you, my other me, I shall carry a cooling little paper towel and whisper, 'Not for the neck that supports the brain of thinking, place it upon your chest, your heart and feel the river of cooling relief.'

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